I help creative writers use the internet to connect directly to readers and make a better living.
This newsletter is for professional writers (and aspiring professional writers) who are trying to build sustainable careers in a competitive industry.
What you won’t find here:
A gazillion posts on how to query agents
Cheerful bromides like “Follow your dreams” or “Write the book that’s in your heart”
Essays on craft
Whining about how hard it is to be a writer
What you will find here:
Insider information about the book publishing industry, from people who actually work in the industry
Advice for mid-career authors (not just beginning writers)
Analysis of the creator economy and what it means for authors
Differing opinions on some of the received wisdom in the “literary community”
Honesty and professionalism
A sense of humor
why should you trust me?
My name's Leigh (it rhymes with bee). I've been extremely online since the late '90s and I owe my writing career to the internet, not an MFA program. I'm the author of six books, including the critically acclaimed satirical novel Self Care and a gothic novel titled If You’re Seeing This, It’s Meant for You, forthcoming from Ballantine in 2025.
I have over fifteen years of experience working in media and publishing, beginning at The New Yorker. I closely follow changes in the book publishing and media industries so that I can give my Substack subscribers the most relevant, honest, and up-to-date career advice.