Thanks for encouraging us to ask for those shares. And how to do it. I feel squidgy enough posting stuff and asking people to read it, so asking for shares feels extra scary, but that's illogical and asking is okay.

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Asking is okay! You are already so great at sharing/boosting other people's content. I see it and I appreciate it!

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I could have written this exact paragraph, I don't know why it's so scary

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Can’t wait to listen to the podcast! You always give great/hilarious interviews.

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haha thank you!

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Sep 29Liked by Leigh Stein

As always the best advice about the attention economy. I would add the more digital we become the more valuable a handwritten note. Which clearly exposes me as the boomer I am. 🥹🤷‍♂️😂

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I save all the handwritten notes I get on my bulletin board in my home office! They mean a lot to me (and I try to send them, too). A handwritten thank you is very memorable.

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Thanks, Leigh, about to listen to your interview with my morning tea.

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You hate BBC emails and I love it 🤣

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I get so many of them

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Being serious though: it’s refreshing to be encouraged to make the ask. I’m so sheepish about stuff like that and I appreciate this reminder.

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Yessss. You know I’m a big fan of thoughtfully asking. I also go out of my way to promote my friends’ book/classes/podcasts/etc… because I know how hard it is out there. The DIY PR hustle is real!

I get rejected/ignored a lot but I’m pretty much impervious to rejection’s venom at this point. Anytime I ask someone to share something of mine, I offer to help promote something of theirs. That last bit helps a lot.

As always, thanks for your work!🤘🏽

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Such a smart way to go about it, Tawny!

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Sound advice! Thank you, Leigh ... I will often travel (within reason) to see in person someone I follow. I still feel like I’m on the edge of the writing community, often looking inside, but even that connection is getting me through the lonely writing process!

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So many good points, I also had a viral Twitter moment (in Sweden) as it was just taking off, that let me to a (paid) blog and then a career as a more or less full time freelance culture writer/critic for over a decade . Now I’ve have stopped freelancing as much (the pay being a big part of it and just… man I’m tired …). I’ve also opted out of social media but feel like I should get back in since a have a new (2nd) novel coming in the spring, I’ve been dreading it but this was a helpful post to think about how to navigate it all….. Feeling a bit lost since I allowed myself deactivation privilege on Instagram 2,5 years ago…. And probably should start again but.. it’s overwhelming. Thank you for inspiring to this softer approach!

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Great article, Leigh! If we want eyes on our work, we must be strategic, especially given how fractured our communities have become. As usual, your suggestions are spot-on.

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Thank you for the tips on sharing your writing and art in this new digital media age.

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Yay, Allison! Excited for your chat.

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How can I hire you to be my TikTok coach??! You’re brilliant at this!!

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I just started using Substack Notes like I used to use Twitter two days ago! I've been putting time and effort into building an Instagram following over the last few months, but it isn't leading to engagement with my writing. I think you're 100% right about asking people directly, even if I'm a bit intimidated to do it!

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Thank you for the shout out, Leigh!

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Thanks so much for this!

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Thank you for such sound and sane advice. I was so happy to discover your Substack over the weekend! I look forward to more!

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