May 19Liked by Leigh Stein

this newsletter is a smorgasbord of delicious insight. Also AI Paris Hilton is holding that crazy looking book in the most disturbing way.

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when I see AI generated images like this, I'm reassured the robots cannot replace me

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After the Great Upload, will any of us have hands? Will we all have weird jawlines? I’m scared.

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You make a great point about there being too many creative writers. Human touch matters.

And at least Substack writers like telling other Substack writers how much they love writing for Substack writers.

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Brilliantly put, Leigh. I think a lot of the hand-wringing surprised me, but to be super honest with you, I would be surprised if the video content creators worked to build a platform here: the community here is truly lovely but I think it is a very different audience than YT or TT (in good and bad ways!)

Thank you for the shout out <3

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So interesting! Do you think there’s a platform that’s more attractive to video creators? (YouTube over Tiktok, or Patreon over Substack? or one of those new startups that lets creators have private membership communities?)

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I think Patreon feels like the most natural fit, but it's hard to build a true community (the commenting features are lackluster and the app is buggy). I think YT is great for long form content but the barrier to entry (perfect video quality) is high.

I don't think the private member communities are necessarily the way to go simply because discovery is low- they need to know who you are and follow you to a new platform, vs. TikTok (which has the best discoverability) or YouTube (which has the best searchability).

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totally agree that in terms of discoverability, TikTok can’t be beat! I’ll be curious to see who the first class of “fellows” is

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agree !

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“If you want to be discovered, put yourself in the path of discovery.” Oh Leigh! That’s the perfect motivation going into a new week and life in general!

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Hugh Jackman posted a photo of him reading my YA novel and it sold appx 10,000 copies over the next week.

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"Hugh Jackman: Paris Hilton for Men"

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May 19Liked by Leigh Stein

As always, appreciate the cross pollination of writing plus business insights. While I'm writing a memoir because it's a story that needs to be put out into the world, I also want to build a brand and a business to take my writing career to the next level..... passion plus business plan is how I want to focus the next six months of this journey. Love the insights and can't wait to gain more from you!

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I love the idea of "passion plan" plus "business plan"... the passion has to be the "why" you're doing this in the first place—otherwise, it's too easy to walk away when things are uncomfortable or frustrating.

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I just re-read your article about BookTok on LitHub, glad I did! Great post today, Leigh, “the path(s) of discovery”

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I looooove this advice: “I have three different audiences I’m building, on three different platforms. I make different choices about what content to post where, depending on my goals for each platform.” But any tips on managing all of these different places/topics? I feel like I barely have the time to show up on Substack, much less elsewhere 🥲😅

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great question! I don’t have a good system right now to share, but I will think about your question for a future newsletter…

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I tried making Reels/tik toks and felt so awkward and uncomfortable I decided to stick with Substack for now (and/or I’m waiting to be struck by lightning and filled with an idea as brilliant as Leah’s Richual where I can hide behind a persona…)

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This is a fascinating article that got me to subscribe. I like to vent as much as the next person, but at a certain point you gotta just make peace with the fact that thems the breaks, and figure out what you're gonna do about it.

The AI generated photos are not bad, but as always, the hands are messed up. That's always the tell for AI Photos.

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More than a little nudge forward. You give us solid info and great analysis, and yes, motivation. Thank you for all of it.

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May 20Liked by Leigh Stein

I just wrote a piece about this, too. If we want to grow on Substack, then we should also want Substack to grow. The NIMBYism on display is ridiculous.

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May 20Liked by Leigh Stein

So great, as always, Leigh. Thanks for sharing!

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Another wonderful writeup. Thank you for this one. I think I can say many of us have “criticblindness” In which we know someone will come and just garble complaints against anything. I rather focus on the ones that are setting an example for what we can get to be. Im not a follower but I checked pewdiepie after I found out he reads like a lot of books. And got the great surprise that in this age of ai clickbait he decided to start learning how to draw, pencil and paper. So imagine the amount of people that will get inspired to go at it finally.

So if theres a couple wonderful readers that know how to talk to their friends and crowd about how books are great I am all in for it.

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easier to criticize than it is to create!

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Aw, thank you for the shoutout here! I think there are absolutely all kinds of problems with expecting writers/artists to make themselves available via video (I mean, I should know, lol)—and yet it's so odd when writers act like the issues in the industry come down to like...their specific preferred method of internet time-wasting not getting enough cred/funding. We should all probably just sign off and go write!!

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Not only do we have too many MFA creative writing programs, we have too many journalism programs. We need influencer/content programs. People will laugh, but why not? It’s where things are headed. Why not help creators be accurate, tell gripping stories and avoid misinformation? I am too aged (at 47) to know if this is maybe already happening in “new media” schools?

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Journalism was once a trade you learned by doing! Then it became over-credentialized, in expensive masters programs (look at the cost of Columbia J-school and weep). Content creators don't need formalized training. I think this is what is holding a lot of writers back from trying something that's uncomfortable—they think they need specialized training. You learn to swim by getting in the pool! :)

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For sure! I meant something structured to help creators not create or perpetuate misinformation. My journalism (undergrad) degree was good for critical analysis in that way.

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My university offers a Master's in Digital Media that I believe covers these topics (but I'm also too aged to know for sure.)

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May 19Liked by Leigh Stein

Thank you for your perspective, fresh and valuable as always.

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